Here's how we will colonize MARS !

            "Exploration is in our DNA"

The Universe has always facinated us.Human curiosity have always reached it's  peak to discover the inexplicable.The scientists staunchly  believe that our prosterity might live on Mars . Here's how they will survive : 

            Image Source : Google

First let's get clear with the facts:

▪️ Mars is half the size of Earth.

▪️ Atmosphere is 100x thinner than that of     earth.

▪️ Atmosphere is not breathable - consists of 96% Carbon Dioxide.

▪️ Cold planet - Average temp. -81°C.

▪️ A day on Mars is 24hr 39 minutes.

▪️ Seasons and years on Mars are 2x  than that of Earth.

▪️ Gravity on Mars - 38% of the Earth.

◼️  This Distance is when Earth and Mars are both aligned  . This  happen once in every 2 years.

To live on Mars we need the basis necessity of life: 

◼️ FOOD 


               Source : Instagram

▪️ Soil on Mars contains upto 60% of water.
▪️ There are lot of craters on Mars in form       of water ice.
▪️ Huge amount of underground water is         available.
▪️ Glaciers are present.


                   Source : Google 

 This machine MOXIE sucke in Martian atmosphere and gives out oxygen.
Carbon dioxide consists of 78% oxygen.Which is sperated by this machine.

◼️ FOOD : 

Intially dried food will be brought from Earth.Which will be about 80% of the ration.
Later with the help of martian water Hydroponics  method will be used to produce food  which will gradually become 20% of the food supply.


Initially Inflatable pressurised buildings will be used.
                   Source : Google

But due to intense Solar Radiation and Radiation from Cosmic rays we will have to go underground.

A Sleek space suit .
                 Source : Google 

The above spacesuit is designed by Dava Newman a scientist at MIT.
This suit blocks radiation and keeps us warm .

In order to make the Atmosphere thicker gigantic solar panels will be focus at one pole of the Mars as the planet rotates the frozen CO2 gets heated up and sublimes into the atmosphere making it thicker.
               Source : Instagram

            " Yes ,we can colonize Mars"

Scientists predict it is possible by 2024.
NASA and Spacex have collaborated and are on the way for their mission.

Do share this .

Thank you. 
Anusree Nair.


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