Time Travelling through a Wormhole !

"Once confined to fantasy and science fiction , time travel is now simply an engineering problem." 
                                   ~ Michio Kaku
Wormholes are theoretically considered to be  'shortcuts' in the universe. 

In 1935 , Albert Einstein and Nathan Rossen illustrated the idea of worm holes through the theory of General relativity Creating two different points in the space-time ,and theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce time and distance taken to travel .

Einsteins theory of General relativity predicted the existance of worm holes . However , hitherto no wormholes have been discovered .

Wormholes might look exactly like a blackhole . The only difference is there is no Event horizon present in this case.A wormhole can be assumed as a mirrored blackhole, where the fabric of space- time is strecthed.

The only difficulty travelling through a Wormhole is that the channel created between them is miniscule. It's predicted to be about 10^-33.

Its smaller than the center of a single atom and remains open only for a fraction of seconds. Even light the fastest entity in the universe would not have enough time to pass through it.

However , Kip Thorne an American theoretical physicist has come up with a solution to this problem. An exotic matter such as a dark matter or dark energy which posseses negative energy can help us surmount this problem.He said in order to keep the channel open we need Anti - gravity or negative energy which can make wormholes a real time portal.

Anti-gravity means to nullify or modify the effect of gravity.This would expand the size of the channel of the wormhole and allow astronauts or even spaceships to travel to another dimension.

If we will be able to archive this then time traveling is actually claimed to be possible.Theoretically , Wormholes can also function  as time machines .

Imagine if you wanted to travel to the Andromeda galaxy , which is about 2.5 million light years away . Even with the fastest rocket we can't get there owing to our short life span.

But through a traversable wormhole time travel is possible. 

Here's a hypothetical scenario , there are twins named x and y . x decides to travel through the wormhole , as wormholes have extreme gravity , the time would slow down as per theory of relativity due to time dialation. However , x wouldn't feel any difference while travelling . When x travels back through the wormhole . A huge amount of time would have passed on earth . It can he be possible that x finds y dead by this time. But x still would approximately of the same age when he left earth to travel through worm hole.In a nutshell , x has travelled into the future .

The same consequence may arise if x decides to hover around a planet near a black hole . When x comes back y would have aged . Meanwhile x would be still young.The time dialation caused here can result us into travelling into future.More the mass , more the space time gets wrapped around the object causing the time to slower down.

This is also know as the twin paradox.

Thanks for reading 

Anusree Nair.

Image Courtesy : Google


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